Sister, Was Your Husband Here?

This woman was really like a ghost. She even met her here.

Li Qin looked to the opposite. Certainly enough, she saw a baby on Track Four, who should be that woman's son.

That baby really took after Yixuan. Had Yixuan said that he had no other women outside, she would have taken that baby for paternity testing.

Should he be the baby of any illegitimate children her husband Mo Xuming had outside. Thinking of such possibility, Li Qin suddenly squinted, a cold chill arising in her heart.

She turned her head at once and stared at Qin Xiaoyu for a long time, but she did not take after her husband any way, should she...

"Yes, sister, was your husband here today?" Li Qin nervously crossed her fingers. If that girl's husband was Yixuan's biological brother or something, then what should she do?

When Li Qin was in a panic, the competition began.

The onlooker parents and children began to shout for cheers, louder and louder.