Are You Sure That the Baby's a Little Princess?

"Yes… what's wrong? Are you disappointed?" He Xiyan suddenly sat up and grew more confused as she looked at his puzzled face.

She had always wanted a daughter and she hoped for a daughter during her first pregnancy, so her wish had come true this time. However, after some thought, it seemed as though Ye Hao's parents and Ye Hao were hoping that she would give birth to a little prince? Especially since her mother-in-law had asked her to take care of herself the last time she visited and even said that she was waiting to carry her grandson in nine months' time.

She thought for a moment and realized that all the clues had been so clear! The richer the family, the more they'd hope for a boy and disregard girls.

Would they be disappointed if she gave birth to a girl?

If she wasn't wrong, she truly felt like she was 80% certain that her baby was a girl.