You Should Eat More

He Xiyan stretched and let out several yawns before she crawled out of bed. Then, she got herself ready in a few simple steps.

They would go to Qin Garden to have dinner with Ye Hao's parents that night and usually, they would go at least two to three times a month. They were meant to go over during the Tomb-Sweeping Day but she had gone back to her hometown instead.

"Let's go!" He Xiyan said as she held Ye Hao's arm. They were both wearing long coats and they looked like they were wearing matching couple clothes, so they attracted a lot of attention when they walked around the company.

However, He Xiyan wasn't too bothered by the attention since it was her first time here, so she thought that it was normal that they'd be curious about her.

She didn't know that when she walked past a room, someone glared viciously at her as though that person couldn't wait to tear her apart.