You Would Be The Master Of The Ye Family From Now On

The old Mr. Ye's face became extremely dark in an instant. Ye Hao's words poured into his heart like cold water.

Too cold to make his heart ache.

"Sit down first." The old Mr. Ye suddenly raised his voice, sounding a little irritated.

Ye Hao sat down without any word. Knowing that his father was in poor health, he did not want to irritate him too much.

"I will hand Ye Group over to you, and later Ye Family will be in the charge of you. Meanwhile, you need to be responsible for the whole family as well, ensuring dozens of people in Ye Family safe and prosperous, including your younger brothers and sisters. You must take good care of them." The old Mr. Ye spoke very seriously, It was just like like a decree of succession. If you succeeded to the throne, you must keep all the descendants of the royal family in permanent glory and wealth.

Ye Hao's face dimmed, his eyes narrowing slightly into a line, which were filled with rebellion.