Her Lies Continued

"Yixuan, I admit that I deliberately planned the car accident in order to get to know you but I was truly in love with you then. You were far too cold and you never chatted any girl so I wasn't sure how I'd be able to approach you and get you to develop feelings for me so I came up with this plan."

Xia Yuwei said through sobs and her tears seemed to convey her passionate love for him.

"Do continue…" the corners of Mo Yixuan's lips curled up coldly and his eyes were devoid of any feelings toward this woman except for hate and it was a very intense form of hatred. 

Xia Yuwei sniffled twice and tried to use her hands to wipe her tears but she touched blood instead.

She looked extremely pitiful.

"Then, you finally noticed me so I tried my best to get you to develop feelings for me, including helping you clean your place, sending lunch over, preparing supper for you and so on. I really wanted to be with you and later, I became pregnant…"