Did She Still Care About Him?

Once the most intimate family members, they now had to become strangers who were most familiar with each other.

Once the marriage was over, unrelated men and women would end up like this.

The woman who got the money was stunned there. Although she doubted why the man's wife had left without going in and having a look, yet there was a trace of joy in her eyes.

After all, the lady just gave her a lot of money, which was almost her salary for one month.

Walking to a corner, the woman began to count the notes, one by one, for fear that she should count them wrong.

Wow, there were more than six thousand yuan.

The woman's eyes were wide with surprise, full of joy and amazement.

When she came to the ward again, her attitude became more cordial.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at the man with a trace of appreciation.