Her Baby

Yuanyuan stuck out his tongue naughtily, his small hands grasping He Xiyan's clothes from time to time .

He seemed to understand what his mother said, staring at Hexi Yan with his big eyes.

He Xiyan kept fixing her eyes on at her child.

This pair of mother and son then looked at each other like this.

"Mom..." Yuanyuan called again. Only quiet for a while, he began to be naughty again, a pair of feet constantly kicking, like a small monkey.

He Xiyan gave a light laugh. She held Yuanyuan's hand, which was so small that only looked a little big in her hand.

The big hand held the small hand. A familiar warmth passed between mother and son.

He Xiyan put another hand on her slightly bulged abdomen, where there was another baby.

"Yuanyuan, you're going to be brother, do you know?"

He Xiyan looked at Yuanyuan, then at her belly.