Where Would You Stay Tonight?

Casting a glance at Su Ye secretly, Ye Shiyu was shocked.

She found that Su Ye was eating a chicken leg instead of looking at her.

Did she just say anything wrong and made him feel bad?

However, she had been trying so hard to be a lady, both in dressing up and in speaking tone. She tried really hard. Usually, she had the temper of a spoiled girl, whether at home or at school, so everyone had to make way for her.

Did she just say something wrong by accident, but only a few words wrong actually rather than totally wrong ?

"Su Ye..." Ye Shiyu called softly.

Su Ye raised his head slowly, faint eyesight, no facial expression visible. Then he handed her a chicken leg.

"Eat first."

Ye Shiyu took it, but did not eat. Her heart was thumping fast because of nervousness and fear. She was afraid that he would think her childish and too straightforward.