Where Was My Sister?

He Xiyan seemed to sense the eyes casted on her nearby. She turned her eyes and saw that Su Ye was indeed staring at her.

However, they had never met each other before. Although she knew him, but it was because he was a household name.

Besides, what was the point of watching her? Or did he want to talk to her husband?

Turning her head around, she looked in surprise at Su Ye who was wearing a white suit near her.

"What's wrong?" She asked doubtfully.

Him staring at her like this made her feel very uncomfortable. Besides, she was a married woman with her husband beside her.

Su Ye smiled lightly with grace.

"Nothing, you look familiar to me."

(He Xiyan)...

Speechless, He Xiyan immediately turned away, confused. They had never seen each other before, but he said that he was familiar to her. Was he trying to accost her?