Call Him Uncle Yang

He Xiyan gave her a few simple instructions and Wang Lan nodded expressionlessly.

She didn't seem to like being ordered around.

Yuan Yuan waved his arms happily in the pram and would occasionally clap his hands together while he would look around curiously, a picture of excitement.

Yang Mingyu's gaze never left the door to the living room and he stood up the moment he heard footsteps.

Soon, he saw both mother and son and also noticed how excited the baby was in the pram.

He walked over and looked closely at the child in the pram. The moment he saw the child, his eyes widened in shock.

The child looked so much like Mo Yixuan and he was almost an exact copy of his father, especially his eyes that were like black jade. Their eyes were almost exactly the same.

"He is…" Yang Mingyu turned to look at He Xiyan, the shock in his face still evident.

He Xiyan pursed her lips together to form a small smile.

"He is Yuan Yuan."