Similar Experiences

"Come… take this, child," Xia Jingshu closed the lid of the jewelry box and stuffed it in He Xiyan's hands.

"Mum…this is too precious, I…" He Xiyan shook her head and felt that the item in her hand seemed exceptionally heavy. She didn't dare accept this gift. She had been part of the Ye family for some time now and had only bought some clothes and food for her parents-in-law but she had never given them anything so precious.

Now, they were giving her something that was worth millions, so she felt that this gift was too much.

Xia Jingshu patted her daughter-in-law's hand and smiled warmly.

"Yan Yan, this is a little something from your father-in-law and myself. Please treat this gift as a welcome present. The Ye family lacks many things but we don't lack money, so you shouldn't feel burdened by this gift and accept it."