She Hoped That They'll Be Together Forever (2)

Their kiss only ended three minutes later.

He Xiyan took large gulps of air. She realized that she was far too useless these days - not only did she find herself out of breath after walking, but she was also left breathless after a kiss.

Then, Ye Hao played the clip that they just filmed. Soon, their earlier kiss was projected in the middle of the room. The footage was very clear and every expression and action they did earlier could clearly be seen.

He Xiyan immediately clapped her hand over her mouth and felt a hot blush spreading across her face. Her heart also was also racing.

This kiss was far too realistic. It was as though two clones of them were repeating their earlier actions, and…

"Stop it, Ye Hao!" He Xiyan tried to snatch Ye Hao's tablet for him. She found this situation extremely embarrassing and she had never expected that she'd look so terrible while kissing, she looked like…