Another Infertile Woman

The woman named Shu Man wore a baseball cap over her head. Her hair was long and straight and she was dressed in a white T-shirt and denim jeans. She looked very young and her figure was pretty good. She looked like a student and she was indeed a student studying for her masters degree. 

"Alright, Anya. Don't try to comfort me. I've already sent the results to Qin Feng. Do you know what he said?" That woman said with a scoff and a layer of ice slowly spread across her eyes.

"What did he say?" Her friend asked. 

"He asked why didn't I inform him of my condition earlier and said that he wasn't prepared to receive this news at all."

Her friend looked at her in shock. Then, her fists balled in anger. She couldn't believe that those words came from her senior at school who excelled in all aspects.

Her friend burst out in anger, "Why, Qin Feng has always come across as a good man. Who knew that he could be such an ass?"