The Wife Hitting the Mistress (2)

Everyone gossiped excitedly among the group and many women in the crowd also pointed at Xia Yuwei as they chattered. They understood from the argument that the woman in red who drove the Ferrari was the mistress. 

Then again, what was wrong with being a mistress if being a mistress meant that she could drive such an expensive car? That woman in white was the wife of the man she had seduced, and had also been infected with a sexually transmitted disease because of her.

Their blood froze at the thought of that. 

At first, everyone was very sympathetic toward the woman who was being beaten but now that the woman in white revealed that she was infected with a sexually transmitted disease because of her, the public opinion had turned against that woman in red and they felt very sorry for that woman in white's daughter who had been crying for almost 10 minutes.

They could also understand why the woman in white was so enraged.