Mother and Daughter at Loggerheads

"If you hadn't been so vain and materialistic, and your constant nagging at me to aim for richer men, I wouldn't be in such a state. Are you pleased with your handiwork now? No one wants to marry me and I've become a woman who is left on the shelf," Han Xue shrieked at her mother like a madwoman, the veins on her neck bulging in her agitation.

She had completely lost her composure at the thought of her miserable past relationships and was consumed with bitterness and resentment.

She had been dumped by three consecutive men and she had truly been in love with each man she dated, so each time she was dumped, she felt as though a part of her body had been sliced away from her. Furthermore, the man who had loved her the most was now completely lost to her and she was left with nothing.

Even her youthfulness was also quickly fading away.