They Felt Bad for Mr. Mo

Li Qin's eyes widened and she looked very bewildered.

"I didn't…."

Then, she looked at those two huge bags of toys.

Wu Xiaomin and Lin Yanyan could only put the two bags of toys down. They guessed that Mr. Mo and the Old Madame were probably enraged because they had been out the whole day.

"Madame, Sir, we're really sorry for not informing you earlier but we went to the toy shop to buy Mo Ye some toys so we were a little late to return," Wu Xiaomin quickly explained. She looked at Li Qin, then at Mo Yixuan but there was a trace of sympathy in her eyes now as she looked at them. She felt sorry for them at the thought that this was probably the end of the Mo bloodline and wondered if they would be able to take such a huge blow.

Mo Yixuan looked at the two bags of toys on the floor and his eyes narrowed slightly. Then, he suddenly looked up at Wu Xiaomin and Lin Yanyan who were clearly behaving oddly today.