It Was Not She Who Texted Back

A sudden trace of freezing cold light appeared in the eyes of Ye Hao, which turned extremely cold as if frosted. He clicked on the input box, quickly entering a line of words, and then clicked the reply button.

"If you're sick, go to the hospital and find a doctor. Don't bark up the wrong tree like a mad dog. If I am pissed off, don't even think about seeing Yuanyuan any more in your life."

After texting back, he again sent emoticons of fury.

Stunned still aside, He Xiyan opened her eyes wide. She watched Ye Hao send that piece of message, with her teeth tightly clenched. She could even predict how Li Qin would scold her once she received the message.

"No, Ye Hao, you will only irritate them in this way." He Xiyan grabbed Ye Hao's hand, trying to prevent him from sending such message again. This would only add fuel to fire.

Ye Hao put his cell phone, not even in the mood to see how the other end would scold back.