Why Did You Meet Them?

He Xiyan froze for a moment and bit her lips tightly. She felt her entire heart clench at the employee's words. 

He had already knocked off work but he was still not home.

The employee continued, "Mrs. Ye, why don't you drop Mr. Ye a call?" He could see how anxious she was and guessed that she was looking for him because of something urgent.

He Xiyan gripped her cell phone so tightly that it was as though she was about to squeeze it into pieces. She unlocked her phone and paused for a moment before she tried dialing his number again. 

The familiar ringtone rang in her ears and as the seconds ticked by… she was practically counting the seconds it took for him to pick up his phone. Suddenly, the ringtone came to an abrupt halt and a familiar voice sounded. 

"I'll be back soon. Rest well first." 

Then, the line was cut off and He Xiyan didn't even manage to get a word in.