On A Date (2)

He Xiyan froze and looked at her husband in surprise. She didn't understand why he would suddenly say such a thing.

Ye Hao tugged her closer and put his arm around her shoulders, then said apologetically, "I shouldn't have ignored you the previous time and I'm sorry that my actions made you worried and upset."

He had been really angry then and he was also afraid that she would return to Mo Yixuan's side for Yuan Yuan's sake. In his anger, he had ignored her texts and calls, so she must have been extremely worried and frightened to have gone all the way to the office in the middle of the night in search of him.

He Xiyan pursed her lips and shook her head gently, and her lips curved into a faint smile, "It's alright, dear. I was in the wrong since I should have discussed this matter with you first and I was too weak myself, which was why they managed to get under my skin." In any case, she should bear the blame for the entire incident.