Mother and Son Quarreled

In the Mo villa, Li Qin was enjoying a cup of light tea while swiping through the news articles on her mobile phone.

As expected, the power of the media was so strong that everyone in the world knew that Yuanyuan was her grandson, the child of their Mo family. She didn't believe that Ye Hao still had the nerve to raise her grandson.

Thinking that her grandson would come back, Li Qin could not help feeling thrilled. As for the damage to that woman's reputation, she didn't care at all. After all, it was her who did not bring back the child, and even let the child be given the family name of Ye and brought up in Ye family.

In the evening, Mo Yixuan almost rushed back home. Usually, it would take him forty to fifty minutes to get home from company. Today, however, he only used half an hour.

He frowned tightly, his eyes filled with anxiety and irritation which could not disperse.