Sent Mo Ye away

In the corridor, Mo Ye was eating breakfast, still with the toy cat that Wu Xiaomin bought last time in hands. When he finished eating, he came to the living room with the toy.

"Grandma..." The moment he saw Li Qin, Mo Ye called out with a child's voice. With his small eyes blinking, he went beside Li Qin and rested on her laps.

Li Qin sighed impatiently. Even she herself did not know how many times she had sighed. At this moment, her phoenix eyes were filled with tears.

Raising the child till now, she was also unwilling to send him away. However, everyone in the world knew that the child was not her grandson. It also made her a laughingstock that she had taken the child to show off in front of relatives and friends many times.

"Yeye..." Li Qin patted the child on the little head, and then hugged the child. "Yeye, I am not your grandmother any more. You go to Cheng family, where there are your biological grandmother and father."