Their Plans Were Canceled

Yuan Yuan ran over to his mother's side when he heard his name being called and wrapped his tiny arms around her leg.

"Ma ma… I'm hungry!" Yuan Yuan said as he looked up at his mother and patted his own little tummy. It was a few hours since he had last eaten.

He Xiyan took his hand in hers and walked him back. However, she had barely taken a few steps before she ran into a tall figure.

"Father…" She stopped and nodded politely at her father-in-law.

Yuan Yuan mimicked her actions and said adorably, "Father…"

Ye Snr. and He Xiyan were both left speechless.

Yuan Yuan had spoken rather loudly, so the two maids nearby overheard him. They both covered their mouths with their hands as they burst into laughter. This child's antics were so amusing that they thought that he was like a little clown.

He Xiyan looked at Yuan Yuan in surprise. She hadn't expected him to mimic her actions.