A Burden They Could Not Get Rid of

Mo Yixuan rushed downstairs and saw Ye Ye standing in front of the metal gates crying his eyes out. He cried very loudly and wailed so hard that his face was flushed red and his eyes bloodshot.

"Hurry, bring the child inside," Mo Yixuan said to Lin Yanyan.

Lin Yanyan quickly ran out and carried the wailing child indoors.

She felt terrible when she saw how hard he was crying and wondered what was wrong with the Cheng family. This child was their flesh and blood, so how could they bear to abandon him?

Mo Ye cried even louder when he saw that an aunty he recognized was carrying him. Then, a small piece of white notebook paper that was covered in words fell out of his cap.

"Sir, there's a piece of paper here," Lin Yanyan put Mo Ye down and picked up that piece of paper. She didn't even read it before she handed it to Mo Yixuan.