Entering the Dock

At 8:50 AM, the court opened and since this was an ordinary civil dispute, they did not need to head to the presiding court for the pronouncement of their judgement.

The chief judge, three judges, and the clerk were already seated. They all looked very grim as they flipped through the documents, then they whispered amongst themselves.

Li Qin's powerful and influential friends and relatives were all seated in the public gallery and all those seated on the plaintiff's side of the gallery were all of the Mo family while there were only a few people on the defendant's side of the gallery since no one from the Ye family showed up. Ye Snr. and Xia Jingshu were not present either. Everyone at the Ye family pretended to not know anything about it since this case had nothing to do with them and even if they did know, they were reluctant to come because the child did not belong to them.

They couldn't wait for the child to be sent to the Mo family.