She Was Always Alone

After they returned to the castle, He Xiyan carried Yuan Yuan into her own room and locked the door tightly. She set the password locked from the inside and locked the door.

Ye Hao lingered outside for a while and tried several passwords but to no avail.

He knocked hard on the door and shouted, "Yan Yan, open the door. Don't give Yuan Yuan a fright." Ye Hao was extremely anxious and he couldn't understand what she was thinking at the moment. Her actions were beyond his expectations. He had assumed that she would cry or kick up a fuss, but he hadn't expected her to behave so strangely.

There was no response, no matter how hard he yelled for her to open the door.

Xia Jingshu asked the driver to send her over from Qin Garden. She had heard about the verdict and knew that her daughter-in-law had fainted after that, and insisted on being discharged and was now home.