Your Ex-husband Was A Piece-of-Shit

Xu Jing came out of the kitchen. Twenty six years old now, she became more mature and independent after her fiance turned back on her and fell in love with another.

Now she had her own job, her own sideline, as well as her own small house. Although life was a little boring, she led a very free and comfortable life. Now, she was not much interested in dating or seeking Mr. Right, she just wanted to live such a peaceful life.

After serving the last dish, Xu Jing took Yuanyuan to a high dining chair. This little boy stayed with her for the whole afternoon and got acquainted with her already, so he was not afraid of her at all.

"Yuanyuan, what do you want to eat?" Xu Jing asked Yuanyuan in front.

Yuanyuan stared at the delicious food on the table, which even dazzled his eyes mainly because he had never eaten them before.