Let's Go Back Together, Shall We?

Yuanyuan clenched his small fists, pounding the unfamiliar uncle who held him in arms.

"Yuanyuan, don't cry, do not cry!" Seeing the child still crying, Li Qin quickly comforted him. Then she looked at his son and said, "Yixuan, I'll go back with your uncle first. He Xiyan may be mad, I'm afraid. Take her to the hospital to get a check-up."

Li Qin shook her hands, walking directly towards the door.

She came here to get Yuanyuan back. Now that the child was in her hands, she had completed her task. As for that woman, who was simply mad, there was no need for her to quarrel with this mad woman any more.

Li Qin and Li Yunsheng went out immediately, not even looking back.

Sharp and hoarse cries of He Xiyan kept coming out of the house. They, however, acted as if they had not heard anything, and pressed the elevator button and went inside the elevator with Yuanyuan who was crying all the time.