Two Children At Home

Li Qin frowned tightly, looking very displeased. Wasn't she an experienced nanny? Why couldn't she calm the child?

Wang Juan shook her head, somewhat helpless, saying, "I'm sorry, madam. The child just left his mother and came to a new environment, so he has not adapted to it. It should be better in a few days."

Hearing that it would take a few more days, Li Qin appeared even much unhappier. Narrowing her phoenix eyes slightly, she turned her head and cast a glare at the nanny.

"Get out of the way," she would handle this herself.

Besides, what was coming to a new environment? This was the child's home.

"Yuanyuan, ouch... My little baby." Li Qin stroked her little grandson gently while her heart ached again. She waved her hand, motioning Wu Xiaomin to bring some toys here.

There were more than a dozen kinds of toys, all of which were there to be chosen by Yuanyuan.