Did Not Want To Arrange Their Life

That was good as well. In this way, they could be together every day and she didn't have to idle days away in the castle.

He Xiyan turned to look at him, but shook her head soon.

"Why, don't you want to go?" Ye Hao asked, with some doubts and loss in his voice.

He Xiyan ate two mouthfuls of rice, and then drank a little rib soup. After eating, she turned to look at her husband, emotional fluctuation barely perceived in her eyes. She pursed her thin lips, saying, "I will arrange it myself. Thank you, Ye Hao."

Her voice was very light and faint. From now on, she would only like to do what she wanted to do instead of living a life arranged by them.

Ye Hao's heart stunned a little. He narrowed his amber eyes slightly, through which a slight pain passing. It hurt not because she did not want to work in his company, but because she even said thank you to him.