This Dad Was Not That Dad

Ye Hao had taken off his coat. He lay on the sofa, staring at the ceiling with bloodshot eyes.

He Xiyan came to his side, feeling quite complex with a condensation of emotions there in her heart.

"You don't like him, do you?" At last she could not help asking.

To tell the truth, his indifferent attitude like this really made her feel disappointed to the extreme.

Ye Hao leaned over and pulled his wife in front, motioning her to sit down. He knew that she was misunderstanding him.

He sighed, and after a while, he said, "I have a cold, while the child's immune system was weak. I am afraid that I will pass the cold to Yuanyuan when sleeping together. So I will not sleep in the bed, and you accompany the child to sleep." He said lightly, his voice quite hoarse.

He Xiyan was stunned. When she heard his reason, the tension and pain in her heart slowly faded away.

She hoped that it was she who thought too much.