I'll Take You to Meet Your Mother

"Aunty…" Mo Yixuan turned to look at the woman beside him and said coldly, "I'll decide what I want for myself. Please stop trying to force me to live life as you see fit by saying that it is only for my own good. I'm sick of it."

Mo Yixuan's brows were tightly knitted. He had been living life in accordance with his elders for many years now and he was thoroughly sick of it. His parents had arranged his schedule and tuition since his childhood and after he grew up. He had to take on the job that they arranged for him and now. They even wanted to interfere in his marriage and relationships. He was done with this lifestyle and was tired of trying to meet their expectations.

Over the years, with the exception of when he was dating and living with He Xiyan, he had never managed to live the life that he wanted for himself.