Those Pictures Were Taken by Them

A pair of attractive mother and daughter browsed through several photographs in excitement at a high-class area of Ye City. The photographs were not very clear since they were taken at night but that wasn't an issue since they could see who was in the photograph. 

Han Xue flipped through the photographs on her handphone and the more she looked at those photographs, the more excited she became and her eyes twinkled merrily.

"Mum, if we were to release these photographs, do you think Ye Hao would end up fighting with He Xiyan?" 

Han Qing brought over a plate of fruit salad and sat beside her daughter. She looked a little proud of her handiwork.

She patted her daughter's shoulder and said with a smile, "Xiao Xue, didn't I tell you that I would make sure he would return to your side? I keep my promises."