Doesn't She Look Like You?

After she finished speaking, He Xiyan handed the jade pendant to the beautiful host of the program.

The host displayed the pendant to the spectators on set and to those who were watching television and also asked the camera to do several close up shots.

She said, "To those who are watching on television, if you have adopted a girl and if she was wearing a similar pendant, or if you have seen a little girl wearing this pendant, please contact us as soon as possible or Mrs. Ye who is here with me today. Our contact details will be displayed on the screen below. Mrs. Ye has promised to give a million dollars to anyone who would be able to provide any leads." 

Then, the program broadcasted several photographs of He Yiyi between the ages of one to one and a half years old. The girl in the photograph seemed cute and lively and smiled toothily at the camera.