Certainly Would Be Found

In the castle, He Xiyan finally returned home after bustling for a whole day at the TV station. When she removed her makeup and came out after the shower, she saw Ye Hao sitting in the sofa with a notebook and reading some documents. He seemed so addicted to it that he didn't even notice her coming out.

He Xiyan went to his side, resting her hand gently on his broad shoulders. Then she leaned forward and looked at what he was browsing.

"What's wrong?" She could not help asking.

At this time, He Xiyan found that he seemed to be reading some mails, and that mailbox seemed to be the one they announced in TV show...

"Come here, Yanyan." Ye Hao took her hand, letting her sit beside him." These are the mails received after the show was broadcast, more than 100 now. You could have a look to see if there was any useful information in it."