She Finally Found Her Sister

Megan said "She is named Shu Man and her identification papers list her birth date as June 1995 so technically, she can't possibly be Mrs. Ye's sister but today, Shu Man's mother went to the Ye castle and did not emerge after an entire afternoon had passed. I asked the bodyguards at the castle and heard that Shu Man's mother was received warmly by Mrs. Ye and Ye Hao. Mrs. Ye seemed certain that Shu Man who was adopted by the elderly woman was her biological sister." 

Megan said excitedly as though he had completed an important mission. After all, he had spent a lot of effort and energy searching for this girl over the past few years but ultimately, Mrs. Ye had found the girl they were looking for first.

Alright, he would accept his fate if Su Ye ended up firing him. His main error was that he hadn't expected Tang Tang's year of birth to be registered as 1995.