He Fell Sick

Li Qin walked over when she heard the nanny scream.

"What's wrong?" she asked as she eyed the nanny with displeasure.

She didn't understand why the nanny was creating such a big fuss in broad daylight. It wasn't as though she was deaf.

"Uh… Yuan Yuan, Yuan Yuan seems to have fallen ill," Wang Jun said. Her face was flushed and beads of sweat had already formed on a forehead. She was sure that the child was running a high fever and this high fever seemed to have come from nowhere.

Li Qin's face immediately darkened when she heard that Yuan Yuan was sick and her eyes were full of self-reproach and worry.

"Why didn't you take more care of him?" she asked and shoved Wang Juan hard before she anxiously entered the room.

"Yuan Yuan…" Li Qin called out her grandson's name as she walked into the child's room and her face was completely flushed because she was so worried.