His Nickname Was 'Hubby' on Her Phone

The person on the other end of the line remained so silent that it seemed like the line had been cut off and after a long while, she finally heard a masculine voice say, "Alright then." 

Then, he ended the call.

Mo Yixuan had heard everything since he had been beside her. He pursed his lips tightly and suddenly squeezed his eyes shut as he balled his hands into fists. He could even hear his joints cracking since he had balled his fists together with so much force.

Their phone call had been very short and they didn't say anything to express their love for each other but he saw the words that had appeared on her screen - 'hubby'. This word was like a sharp weapon that pierced through his eyes and his heart felt so cold that it was as though it would never be able to feel warmth again.