Still Did Not Reply To Her

Shu Man could only think of this reason. Besides, she held a vague impression of a brother she used to have, who said that he would take care of her.

But she didn't remember the brother's name.

He Xiyan was also confused by what her sister said. She opened her eyes wide, full of doubts and puzzles.

She shook her head, denying her sister's strange idea. Their mother only gave birth to them two. They had no elder brothers nor younger brothers.

As for why Su Ye sent Manman a house, she also felt confused.

"Maybe he likes you." He Xiyan said in a low voice. That was the only reason she could think of.

Shu Man said, "But I don't know him. Even if he's a rich guy with a lot of money, it's impossible for him to give a house to a strange woman."

Shu Man always felt that those things happened to her were becoming more and more baffling.