Complacent Mother And Daughter

Han Xue handed her cell phone to her mother, who was peeling an apple.

Han Qing took the phone and had a look at it. Immediately, a triumphant smile emerged on her old face.

"Sure enough, they quarrel." She sneered and then took a bite of the apple in her hand.

Han Xue's thin lips were slightly opened, her heart full of happiness with unspeakable excitement and joy.

After waiting and preparing for so many days, she finally saw them quarreling.

"Mom, butler Lu just told me on the phone that Ye Hao was furious in the hotel, not only throwing his cell phone but also smashing things in the room. Now, even the old Mr. Ye and Mrs. Ye could not stand her." Han Xue said so while laughing, and then put a strawberry in her mouth.

As if seeing hope, she even looked better.

She was now waiting for Ye Hao and He Xiyan to kick up a fuss and then divorce immediately, which she had long dreamed of.