Your Son or Your Family?

Ye Hao glanced at Xi Xi who was snuggled in her nursemaid's arms and even when he saw that she had fallen asleep, he did not reach out to take her from her nursemaid's embrace but merely coughed in irritation and did not respond.

He turned around and stood on the spot for a long moment before he walked over to the balcony. He looked at her familiar back view and saw that the moonlight had cast a long shadow over her figure. She sat there as motionless as a statue.

She hadn't even noticed that he was just standing several meters behind here.

"Have you made your decision?" Ye Hao suddenly asked after some thought.

His voice was as icy as ever.

He walked toward her and his eyes, bloodshot due to the lack of sleep, bore into He Xiyan.

He Xiyan heard the voice behind her and bit her lips tightly, the bitterness that she felt in her heart slowly spread all over her body while her eyes were filled with despair.