He Would Have to Decide

After she cooked two cups of instant noodles, she started gulping them down in large mouthfuls.

These noodles weren't that delicious, neither were they very nutritious but she was so hungry that she finished eating all the instant noodles and even finished the soup.

Then, she lay on the bed after she finished eating.

She was truly exhausted in both her lifestyle and her marriage. She was so exhausted that she couldn't bring herself to do anything else but sleep.

He Xiyan sighed and gripped her blankets tightly with both hands. After she lay back on the bed, she found that she couldn't even breathe properly. She didn't understand how their marriage had changed so much.

They were no longer able to communicate, to talk things out between them, and to live together.

Thus, she was giving him time to decide. She wouldn't blame him even if he wanted to give up on their marriage. After all, he had truly treated her well in her past.