No One Was Present to Care for Her

She had contracted such a serious illness but not a single family or friend was by her side.

He Xiyan thanked the doctor. 

Then, she took her handbag and used the wall as support as she walked painfully toward the main hall of the hospital. She paid her bills and spent another few minutes walking to the nearby pharmacy to collect her medication.

Her phone was in her handbag but she had turned it off and had no intention of using her phone.

This was not the first time she had contracted such an illness. She had been admitted to hospital four years ago for the same condition. Her condition had flared up while she was at work and her colleague had sent her to the hospital, helped out with the admission procedures, looked after her, and helped her collect her medication. Then, Wu Xiaomin came over to the hospital and cared for her when she was admitted for three days.