It Was Dad Who Beat

"Mrs. Mo, the child has no mental illness. As far as I am concerned, your grandson should be frightened, so he is emotionally restless. I will prescribe some medicine to ease his fear. You go back and brew it for him to eat one time. In addition, let the child's closest relatives accompany him, such as his mother and father. At night, let the child sleep with his parents, which will make the child relax a little psychologically instead of being so nervous. There's no large problem with the child. You don't need to worry."

The doctor advised in a nice way. But as soon as she finished, Yuanyuan, in front of her, burst into tears again. He was crying while running to the corner to the far left. There, he hugged his little arms as if he were afraid of something, huddling in the corner.

Li Qin hurried over to hold up the child, feeling so sympathetic for him that she was even about to cry.