A Horrible Dream

After finishing the noodles, she slightly tidied up the room and sat against the bed head like she did yesterday.

As for the cell phone on the bedside, she still did not pick it, which had been quiet for five days.

She didn't know how long she had sat there. She would sit late at night until her eyes became more tired and sour, and then with no energy, she then fell into bed and fell asleep soundly.

In dreams, she came to an unfamiliar street, which was flanked with tall maple trees on both sides.

It was a day in autumn, the wind blowing and brushing the leaves and golden maple leaves fluttering down with wind.

She walked along the quiet street until she came to the gate of a school. She stopped and listened to the sound of bells and children's laughter.

She simply stood at the iron gate, looking through the gate at the children who were chasing and fighting with each other, and at their innocent smiles.