Mo Yixuan Could Come, Why Couldn't I?

Ye Hao, tightening his eyebrows, knocked twice at the door again. He, who looked normal just now, changed completely the moment he saw Mo Yixuan.

The initial trace of excitement or guilt was nowhere to be found on his face.

He winked at A Mu, who then said again, "Miss He, please open the door. I've promised Mr. Ye to deliver these things to you in person."

In the room, He Xiyan rose impatiently. She really didn't want anything from him, but she was also tired of him knocking outside all the time.

Because of her emotional instability, she walked in a careless way, tripping over a chair.

An obvious trace of pain came from her knee, but she couldn't care so much.

She went to the door, opened it directly, and reached out her hands.

All of a sudden----

The moment she reached out her hands, a quite familiar figure fell into her eyes, which was so familiar to her that even if she simply saw a shadow, she could recognize who it was.