Ask Her To Leave

"Well, Miss He, some of the households living on the 15th floor say that you sometimes smash things at home at night. The noise you make has disturbed your neighbors. Some of your actions make them feel frightened and scared, so they want you to move out of here."

Little Li, the property management officer, said apologetically. Her eyes had been fixed on He Xiyan since she entered the office. She did not notice anything wrong with this woman, but she could see that the woman was in a very bad mental state and that she looked very bad.

Either she was in a depression or she had suffered great psychological pains.

He Xiyan was stunned there, looking at several property management workers in the office for a while. Seeing them all staring at her with a weird look, she understood that they, the residents on the fifteenth floor, were actually going to drive her away.

"I see."