This Is All That You're Worth

Unfortunately, her tears could not evoke any sympathy from the man in front of her and only made him angrier.

"Get lost…" Ye Hao bellowed as he suddenly got off the bed. He couldn't even be bothered to get dressed as he stretched out, grabbed her wrist and pulled her off the bed forcefully.

Han Xue was dragged out of the bed and before she knew it, she landed with a thud on the ground.

"Ah…" she screamed in fright and her face turned as white as a sheet. She wasn't wearing any clothes, so when she landed on the ground so hard, she immediately bruised her elbows and legs.

"Ye Hao!" she called out his name in terror and disbelief.

She had expected him to be angry but she hadn't expected him to be so angry that he would resort to violence.

She couldn't figure out when he had developed such violent tendencies since he never acted that way in the past.