Trafficked or Dead

Back in Ye City, he hadn't eaten anything for two days, and his entire person seemed to have grown older all at once.

He sat in the police station lounge, eyes haggard. He hasn't said a word in a long time.

The driver and servants of Ye family had already brought Xixi here.

Xixi, only half a year old, looked curiously at the unfamiliar uncles and aunts around her. She waved her small hands constantly and made a babbling sound in her mouth.

She seemed very happy, but as young as she was, she did not know that her mother was missing. She might never be able to see her mother again.

Seeing her father, Xixi reached out her milk white hands and could not wait for him to hold her. Meanwhile, she kept calling for something.

Ye Hao's lips trembled obviously when he saw his daughter, but he did not call out her nickname. He just reached out his hands, took her over and held her tightly in his arms.