Came Into The Dream

The uncle's words were very heavy. Hearing that, Mo Yixuan paled instantly, his whole face turned white without any trace of blood. He could even feel his heart twitching, as if the blood were flowing backwards in his body.

"What?" He looked at her uncle with a shocked and doubtful look.

Uncle just sighed helplessly, and then continued.

"I recently dreamed of Xiyan twice. In the dream, she was drenched all over. She told me she was cold and asked me to burn clothes for her."

Saying so, the uncle closed his old eyes slightly. Some tears could be vaguely seen shining around the corners of his eyes. Although he did not many feelings toward this niece, he indeed felt pity upon thinking that his brother's whole family died.

As if struck by lightning, Mo Yixuan was stiff there, his fingers trembling uncontrollably, even the same with the hand holding Yuanyuan.

"Dad..." Yuanyuan seemed to feel something wrong with his dad, then called dad instantly.