His Mother?

After finishing lunch in the afternoon, Chen Jiahang went to work in the farmland.

He Xiyan pushed a bicycle out of the backyard, which was bought by Chen Jiahang last month in order to take her to have fun in the village nearby.

This was a very cheap bicycle of the old and men's style, which only cost a little more than 400 yuan. Although cheap, it was very durable. Two bamboo baskets could also be tied onto its back seat for carrying things.

He Xiyan rode the bicycle out of her home. She was already familiar with the village. At this time, most of the villagers were busy working in the fields.

It was June, a little hot. For fear that she would be tired, Chen Jiahang did not let her work in the farmland, only asking her to do some simple housework like cooking.

In fact, she was not a lazy person. Besides, she wanted to make more money to make the family rich, so that she and Jiahang could live a better life.